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Service 'WKD'
Description Directory and Update service to publish PGP Keys.

This service can be used to associate your PGP identities that matches the domains managed via DuckCorp with your public key. Many email clients can now use this method to discover your public key in order to encrypt mails to you.

Prerequisite None
Account Global (registration required) IPv6 Ready Yes
Security Notes This service is secure.


To access this service you need PGP identities using email addresses on domains managed by DuckCorp.

Requesting an identity to be published

If you have multiple identities matching domains managed via DuckCorp then you need to request publishing for each one separately.

The gpg-wks-client command used below might not be in your path, it can often be found inside /usr/lib/gnupg/.

If the --send option fails in the following command, you can remove it and pipe the result into /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t directly.

Request the inclusion or update of your key:

   gpg-wks-client --create --send <gpgkey-fpr> <email>

<gpgkey-fpr> is the fingerprint of your GPG key. <email> must match one of the key identities (uids) as well as one of the published domains.

When you receive the confirmation request email, save the attachment and send the confirmation:

   gpg-wks-client --send --read < <file>

When you receive the notification email it is then published.

Verifying an identify is published

You can check the key is properly published for an identity with:

   gpg --auto-key-locate clear,nodefault,wkd --locate-keys <email>

Technical Details

This service is made using: