
From DcUsers
Service 'StuffCloud'
Description The StuffCloud service is a webservice used to access, sync, and share your personal data. Currently you can:
  • store your files and share them with people inside and outside DuckCorp (and in-place view/edit of certain extensions directly from the web interface)
  • manage your contacts
  • manage your calendars
  • manage your tasks
  • manage your notes
  • manage your web bookmarks (with browser Sync)
  • backup/restore your SMS
  • create your own groups (circles)
Prerequisite None
Account Global IPv6 Ready Yes
Security Notes This service is secure but beware when sharing your data to other people.

Warning! Remember not to use this service to store illegal or non-free data.


Web Interface

Use this URL in your browser:

Then you can setup your contacts, calendars, store files…

We strongly suggest you enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to protect your account. With this system your login and password is not sufficient to log in, an external secret is needed.

Two methods are available in the security tab of your preferences:

  • TOTP: using an application on your phone (FreeOTP available on F-Droid is working fine)
  • U2F: an external device like an USB key (Yubikey for example)

It is very easy to use TOPT with your phone and the FreeOTP application (available on F-Droid).

You can find here more detailed explanation on how to set this up.

Do not forget to generate and print (or store on an encrypted disk) the recovery code in case your device is lost.

Also please note your connected devices (smartphone, tablet…) using StuffCloud to sync contacts/calendars/files/… will not be able to login anymore using login/password, but you can generate tokens which are safer (see below).

WebDAV Interface

You can use the WebDAV interface to sync your data from a desktop application or you mobile device. Applications can use the main address of the web interface (see above) with your credentials and should be able to discover you data, but sometimes they have limitations and you need to specify a full ugly link ; in this case you can find the link in the interface, either on the resource to access or in your personal settings page.

It is not safe to use your login/password to connect your mobile devices, and this does not work with 2FA anyway. Thus we recommend you to generate tokens, one for each device so you can easily remove access to a lost or stolen device.


  • Desktop:
    • remote drive (synchronous): use XFCE/Gigolo or GNOME/Nautilus
    • synchronize (asynchronous): use the sync utility (no Debian package yet)
  • Mobile Devices:


  • Desktop: synchronize with GNOME/Evolution
  • Mobile Devices:
    • Android: the DAVdroid app (available on F-Droid) works well
  • Webmail: works nicely with the newest webmail (RoundCube) (see in Settings->Preferences->CardDAV)


  • Desktop: synchronize with GNOME/Evolution
  • Mobile Devices:
    • Android: the DAVdroid app (available on F-Droid) works well
  • Webmail: should work but it does not seem to parse events properly even if there's no errors (see in Settings->Preferences->Calendar and the Provider field)


It may be provided by your calendar application.

  • Desktop: ???
  • Mobile Devices:
    • Android:
      • the DAVdroid app for synchronization and OpenTasks for UI work well (both available on F-Droid)
      • the Joplin app is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can be synchronized with nextcloud using the webdav URL, i.e. where xxx is the name of the folder where notes will be saved.
  • Webmail: not supported


  • Desktop: ???
  • Mobile Devices:
    • Android:
      • the Notes app (available on F-Droid) works but seem to have some bugs (like duplicate saving, to be investigated)
      • the Joplin app is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can be synchronized with nextcloud using the webdav URL, i.e. where xxx is the name of the folder where notes will be saved.

Web Bookmarks

  • Desktop:
    • Firefox: the Floccus app works; it creates a special bookmark in Other Bookmarks called Owncloud (I don't think renaming would not break things); the sync happens every 25 minutes, so be patient
    • Chromium: the Floccus app is untested
  • Mobile Devices:
    • Android:
      • the Nextcloud Bookmarks app (available on F-Droid) works well
      • the save to Nextcloud Bookmarks app (available on F-Droid) is supposed to work but does not seem to connect…


Technical Details

This service is made using: